
Built-In Functions in JetClient provide powerful tools for tasks such as random value generation, user input, file operations, JavaScript execution, and more.
Functions can be used within Inline Expressions or evaluated in scripts.

Using Functions

  • Functions start with a $ sign.

  • Some functions require arguments, while others do not.

  • Functions without arguments can omit parentheses:

    • {{$randomEmail}} or {{$randomEmail()}}
    • {{$randomInt(1, 10)}}
  • You can nest and chain functions for complex logic:
    Example: {{$pickOne(["admin", "user"]) + "@" + $randomDomainName}}

Function Auto-Completion

Type {{$ in any input field (Body, Headers, Query Params, etc.) to see an auto-completion popup with available functions, their arguments, and descriptions.


Function Description Arguments
timestamp The current UNIX timestamp in seconds
timestampMillis The current UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
isoTimestamp The current ISO timestamp at zero UTC
isoDate The current ISO date at zero UTC
uuid A random 36-character UUID

Text, Numbers, and Colors

Function Description Arguments
randomAlphaNumeric A random alpha-numeric character
randomAlphaNumeric A random alpha-numeric character of a specified length length
randomBoolean A random boolean value
randomInt A random integer between 0 and 1000
randomInt A random integer between 0 and a specified maximum max
randomInt A random integer between a specified minimum and maximum min , max
randomFloat A random float between 0 and 1
randomFloat A random float between 0 and a specified maximum max
randomFloat A random float between a specified minimum and maximum min , max
randomFloat A random float between a specified range with decimal places min , max , decimals
randomColor A random color
randomHexColor A random hex value
randomAbbreviation A random abbreviation

Internet and IP Addresses

Function Description Arguments
randomIP A random IPv4 address
randomIPV6 A random IPv6 address
randomMACAddress A random MAC address
randomPassword A random 15-character alpha-numeric password
randomPassword A random alpha-numeric password of a specified length length
randomLocale A random two-letter language code (ISO 639-1)
randomUserAgent A random user agent
randomProtocol A random internet protocol
randomSemver A random semantic version number


Function Description Arguments
randomFirstName A random first name
randomLastName A random last name
randomMiddleName A random middle name
randomFullName A random first and last name
randomNamePrefix A random name prefix
randomNameSuffix A random name suffix


Function Description Arguments
randomJobArea A random job area
randomJobDescriptor A random job descriptor
randomJobTitle A random job title
randomJobType A random job type

Phone, Address, and Location

Function Description Arguments
randomPhoneNumber A random human-input phone number
randomPhoneNumber A random phone number of a specified format with # as digit placeholders format
randomPhoneNumberNational A random phone number in a standardized national format
randomPhoneNumberInternational A random phone number in the E.123 international format
randomCity A random city name
randomStreetName A random street name
randomStreetAddress A random street address
randomCountry A random country
randomCountryCode A random two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
randomLatitude A random latitude coordinate
randomLongitude A random longitude coordinate


Function Description Arguments
randomAvatarImage A random avatar image URL
randomImage A random image URL
randomImage A random image URL with a specified width and height width , height
randomImage A random image URL with a specified category category
randomImage A random image URL with a specified width, height, and category width , height , category
randomImageDataUri A random image data URI
randomImageDataUri A random image data URI with a specified width and height width , height
randomImageDataUri A random image data URI with specified width, height, and type: svg-uri or svg-base64 width , height , type


Function Description Arguments
randomBankAccount A random 8-digit bank account number
randomBankAccountName A random bank account name
randomCreditCardNumber A random masked credit card number
randomBankAccountBic A random BIC (Bank Identifier Code)
randomBankAccountIban A random 15-31 character IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
randomTransactionType A random transaction type
randomCurrencyCode A random 3-letter currency code (ISO-4217)
randomCurrencyName A random currency name
randomCurrencySymbol A random currency symbol
randomBitcoin A random bitcoin address


Function Description Arguments
randomCompanyName A random company name
randomCompanySuffix A random company suffix
randomBuzzPhrase A random buzz phrase
randomBuzzAdjective A random buzzword adjective
randomBuzzVerb A random buzzword verb
randomBuzzNoun A random buzzword noun
randomCatchPhrase A random catchphrase
randomCatchPhraseAdjective A random catchphrase adjective
randomCatchPhraseDescriptor A random catchphrase descriptor
randomCatchPhraseNoun A random catchphrase noun

Dates and Times

Function Description Arguments
randomFutureDate A random date within one year from today
randomFutureDate A random date in the future within a specified number of days days
randomFutureDateTime A random date and time within one year from today
randomFutureDateTime A random date and time in the future within a specified number of days days
randomFutureDateTime A random date and time in the future within a specified number of days and a format: human, iso_date, iso_date_time, millis, seconds, or a custom pattern days , format
randomPastDate A random date within the past year from today
randomPastDate A random date in the past within a specified number of days days
randomPastDateTime A random date and time within the past year from today
randomPastDateTime A random date and time in the past within a specified number of days days
randomPastDateTime A random date and time in the past within a specified number of days and a format: human, iso_date, iso_date_time, millis, seconds, or a custom pattern days , format
randomBirthdate A random birthdate with a default minimum age of 18 and maximum age of 80
randomBirthdate A random birthdate with a specified minimum and maximum age minAge , maxAge
randomBirthdate A random birthdate with a specified minimum and maximum age and a format: human, iso_date, iso_date_time, millis, seconds, or a custom pattern minAge , maxAge , format
randomWeekday A random weekday
randomMonth A random month

Domains, Emails, and Usernames

Function Description Arguments
randomDomainName A random domain name
randomDomainSuffix A random domain suffix
randomDomainWord A random unqualified domain name
randomEmail A random email address
randomExampleEmail A random email address from an example domain
randomUserName A random username
randomUrl A random URL

Files and Directories

Function Description Arguments
randomFileName A random file name (includes uncommon extensions)
randomFileType A random file type (includes uncommon file types)
randomFileExt A random file extension (includes uncommon extensions)
randomCommonFileName A random file name
randomCommonFileType A random, common file type
randomCommonFileExt A random, common file extension
randomFilePath A random file path
randomDirectoryPath A random directory path
randomMimeType A random MIME type


Function Description Arguments
randomPrice A random price between 0.00 and 1000.00
randomPrice A random price between specified minimum and maximum min , max
randomProduct A random product
randomProductAdjective A random product adjective
randomProductMaterial A random product material
randomProductName A random product name
randomDepartment A random commerce category


Function Description Arguments
randomNoun A random noun
randomVerb A random verb
randomAdverb A random adverb
randomAdjective A random adjective
randomWord A random word
randomWords A random sentence of 1-5 words
randomWords A random sentence of a specified number of words count

Lorem Ipsum

Function Description Arguments
randomLoremWord A random word of lorem ipsum text
randomLoremWords Some random 1 to 5 words of lorem ipsum text
randomLoremWords Some random words of lorem ipsum text count
randomLoremSentence A random sentence of lorem ipsum text
randomLoremSentences A random 2 to 6 sentences of lorem ipsum text
randomLoremSentences A random number of sentences of lorem ipsum text count
randomLoremParagraph A random paragraph of lorem ipsum text
randomLoremParagraphs 3 random paragraphs of lorem ipsum text
randomLoremParagraphs A specified number of paragraphs of lorem ipsum text count
randomLoremText A random amount of lorem ipsum text
randomLoremSlug A random lorem ipsum URL slug
randomLoremLines 1 to 5 random lines of lorem ipsum
randomLoremLines A specified number of random lines of lorem ipsum count


Function Description Arguments
replace Replaces all occurrences of a specified substring in a string with a given replacement text , search , replace
repeat Creates an array by repeating the specified value. If the value is a variable starting with $, it is evaluated multiple times. value , count
join Concatenates the elements of a list into a single string array
join Concatenates the elements of a list into a single string with a specified separator array , separator
join Concatenates the elements of a list into a single string with a specified separator, prefix, and suffix array , separator , prefix , suffix
stringify Converts a value to a JSON string value
pickOne A random element from a list array
pickSome A random subset of elements from a list array
pickSome A random subset of elements from a list with a specified count array , count
shuffle Shuffle the elements of a list array
toBase64 Convert a string to a base64-encoded string string
fromBase64 Convert a base64-encoded string to a string string

Read Files

This feature is part of the Pro plan
Function Description Arguments
readFileAsText Read the contents of a file as a string path
readFileAsBase64 Read the contents of a file as a base64-encoded string path


This feature is part of the Pro plan
Function Description Arguments
textInput Open a text input dialog label
textInput Open a text input dialog with a default value label , defaultValue
intInput Open an integer input dialog label
intInput Open an integer input dialog with a default value label , defaultValue
floatInput Open a float input dialog label
floatInput Open a float input dialog with a default value label , defaultValue
passwordInput Open a password input dialog label
passwordInput Open a password input dialog with a default value label , defaultValue
comboBoxInput Open a combo box input dialog label , options
comboBoxInput Open a combo box input dialog with values label , options , values
comboBoxInput Open a combo box input dialog with values and a default value label , options , values , defaultValue
checkBoxInput Open a check box input dialog label
checkBoxInput Open a check box input dialog with a default value label , defaultValue
radioButtonInput Open a radio button input dialog label , options
radioButtonInput Open a radio button input dialog with values label , options , values
radioButtonInput Open a radio button input dialog with values and a default value label , options , values , defaultValue
dateInput Open a date input dialog label
dateInput Open a date input dialog with a specified format label , format
dateInput Open a date input dialog with a specified format and default value label , format , defaultValue
dateTimeInput Open a datetime input dialog label
dateTimeInput Open a datetime input dialog with a specified format label , format
dateTimeInput Open a datetime input dialog with a specified format and default value label , format , defaultValue
fileInput Open a file input dialog label
fileInput Open a file input dialog with a default value label , defaultValue


This feature is part of the Pro plan
Function Description Arguments
eval Evaluate a JavaScript expression expression
exec Execute a command in the system shell command